About Us

Established in 1989 Polycraft started activities as former distributor for Gusmer Corp. and Gusmer Europe marketing and servicing Gusmers sprayfoam and coating equipment PUR machines, PUR spray guns and spare parts for decades.


In 2001 an expansion of the company led to the development, manufacture and sales of high quality heated hoses for PUR-spray and Polyurea machines. Polycraft developed many improvements to existing hoses.


In April 2014 all activities with regards to heated hoses were handed to Purcraft GmbH (refer to www.purcraft.de and www.purcraftusa.com).


Separately and independently Polycraft is concentrating activities on distributing spray guns and Replacement Parts for contractors in PUR and POLYUREA industries.


Another division of Polycraft is collecting and Recycling of rigid PUR-Residues (Material Recycling).